Social Media Profiles Filter

The Social Media Profiles filter allows you to refine your podcast search results based on the presence of social media profiles associated with the podcast. This can help you find podcasts that have a strong social media presence, which can be useful if you want to engage with podcasters or discuss episodes with other listeners.

To use the Social Media Profiles filter, follow these steps:

  1. On the podcast search page, locate the "Social Media Profiles" filter.
  2. Click on the checkbox next to each social media profile you want to search for. The available options may include profiles for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other popular social media platforms.

Note: The Social Media Profiles filter is a multi-checkbox filter, which means that selecting multiple checkboxes will reduce the number of results significantly. This is because the filter will only show podcasts that have all the selected social media profiles.

Here are a few additional tips to help you use the Social Media Profiles filter effectively:

  • Select the profiles that are most important to you. If you have a preference for specific social media platforms, use the Social Media Profiles filter to find podcasts that have a presence on those platforms. Keep in mind that not all podcasts will have profiles on all social media platforms.
  • Use the filter in combination with other filters. For example, you could use the Social Media Profiles filter in combination with filters for estimated audience size, location, categories, or publishing frequency to further refine your search results and find podcasts that meet all of your criteria.
  • Remember that social media profiles are not guaranteed to be active. Just because a podcast has a social media profile doesn't mean that the profile is active or regularly updated. If you want to engage with podcasters on social media, make sure to check the profile to see if it is active before reaching out.

We hope this guide helps you use the Social Media Profiles filter effectively to find the right podcasts for your needs. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team for assistance.