Search Filter: Podcast Ranking

The Podcast Ranking search filter allows you to sort the search results by the popularity or engagement of the podcasts. You can use this filter to discover the most popular and engaging podcasts on a particular topic or within a specific category.

How it works

The Podcast Ranking filter uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze the engagement metrics of podcasts and rank them based on their overall popularity and engagement.

How to use it

You can use Podcast Ranking to both filter and sort podcasts. Podcasts are ranked 0 to 100, with 100 being a chart-topping podcast. Podcasts ranked low or zero have little audience reach.


In the filter section on the left, there is a two sided slider. You can drag either side to set a range in which a podcast must rank.


You can also sort results in descending podcast rank. Below the search bar on the right is a dropdown. Here you can find a few different sorting options.

  1. Start by performing a search using the search bar or other filters to narrow down your results.

  2. Click on the "Sort By" dropdown menu located above the search results.

  3. Select "Podcast Rank" from the dropdown menu.

  4. The search results will be sorted based on the popularity and engagement of the podcasts. The most popular and engaging podcasts will be displayed at the top of the search results.

  5. You can further refine the search results by applying additional filters or sorting options.

Best practices

  • Use the Podcast Ranking filter to discover the most popular and engaging podcasts on a particular topic or within a specific category.

  • Combine the Podcast Ranking filter with other filters, such as category or language, to find the most popular and engaging podcasts within a specific niche.

  • Pay attention to the engagement metrics of the podcasts, such as ratings and reviews, to understand what makes them popular and engaging.

  • Use the insights gained from the Podcast Ranking filter to inform your podcasting strategy and improve your engagement metrics.

We hope this guide helps you understand how to use the Podcast Ranking search filter to find the most popular and engaging podcasts in your industry or niche. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.