How to Search for Podcasts on PodcastDB
PodcastDB is a comprehensive database of podcasts that you can use to find shows that match your interests or marketing needs.
To search for podcasts on PodcastDB, simply go to the homepage and enter a keyword or phrase in the search bar. You can also use the advanced search feature to narrow down your search based on specific criteria, such as language, category, or publishing frequency.
Once you've entered your search query, click the search button and you'll be presented with a list of podcasts that match your criteria.
Narrowing Down with Filters
To further refine your search results, PodcastDB offers a wide range of filters that you can use to narrow down your search based on specific attributes or characteristics. Some of the most important filters are:
Estimated Audience Size: This filter allows you to search for podcasts based on their estimated audience size, which can help you identify shows that have a large and engaged following.
Estimated Ad Cost: This filter allows you to search for podcasts based on the estimated cost of advertising on the show, which can help you identify shows that are within your advertising budget.
Podcast Rank: This filter allows you to search for podcasts based on their rank, which is based on factors such as audience size, engagement, and ratings.
Similar Audiences: This filter allows you to find podcasts that have similar audiences to another podcast, which can help you identify shows that may be of interest to your target audience.
Building an Export List to CSV
If you want to export your search results to a CSV file, PodcastDB makes it easy to do so. Simply select the podcasts that you want to export by clicking on the checkbox next to each show, and then click the "Export to List" button.
You'll be prompted to select the number of podcasts that you want to export and to which list you want to export them. Once you've made your selections, click the "Export" button and your list will be downloaded to your computer as a CSV file.
From there, you can import the CSV file into a customer relationship management (CRM) tool like Salesforce or HubSpot to track and manage your podcast outreach efforts. This can be a powerful way to leverage PodcastDB's extensive database of podcasts to grow your audience or reach new customers through advertising.